
Long Bio
Amy Renaud has always loved stories and constantly asked to hear them as a child—that’s when her love of reading began. As an adult, she loves hearing people’s real-life stories, and of course, she loves fictional stories. But the most powerful stories are the ones she’s read in the Bible.
Amy’s first non-school required story was a contemporary inspirational fiction piece she began writing in 2007. Don’t ask to see it, it probably will never again see the light of day.
In 2008-ish she began a blog that she mainly used to keep friends and family updated on her missions trips. In time missions trips changed to motherhood, and the blog became more of a place for women in general to find encouragement. A devotional (unpublished) about the Proverbs 31 woman came out of that time of studying and writing devotionals. She retired that blog when she chose to pursue a career as an author, and mainly fiction at that. Her current website (amyrenaudauthor.com) features devotionals, recipes, tidbits on her journey to publication (still in process), and book reviews. Amy reviews for Bethany House, Revell, and Graf-Martin Communications.
2018 was a game changing year for Amy’s writing when she found American Christian Fiction Writers where she connected with amazing writer friends and learned a tonne. She has two unpublished novels completed—they hover somewhere between the historical and historical romance genres. Amy was a semi-finalist in the ACFW Genesis contest in 2019, a finalist in 2020 and 2021, and a semi-finalist in 2022 as well as a 2024 Cascade finalist. She is represented by Rachel McMillan, literary agent.
Amy is Canadian, the youngest of four sisters, and the daughter of ministers. Her mom and dad have been pastors for over 40 years, in three provinces. Over the years, ministry life has grown dear to Amy’s heart and she spent six years working for three different ministries—an evangelistic ministry, a pregnancy crisis centre, and her local church. She loved doing short-term missions work in Ireland, Trinidad, the United States of America, Brazil and Israel, as well she was a part of a team from her local church to start a children’s home in Guatemala.
In 2011 Amy married her soldier (who’s since retired) and they have three children. Together, Amy and her husband serve at their church with the worship team and kids church. While Amy hung up her missionary hat when her eldest son was born, Amy and her husband hope to return to missions work at some point.
Amy and her family live in Eastern Ontario, Canada. For now.
Short Bio
Amy Renaud writes historical tales infused with love and brokenness, encountered by redemption . . . and quirky side characters. When she’s not writing, you might find her singing, baking, reading or enjoying nature with her family—and sipping hazelnut vanilla coffee. Amy is a 2020, 2021 ACFW Genesis finalist, and a 2024 Cascade finalist. She makes her home in Eastern Ontario, Canada, with her handsome French-Canadian husband and three children.