Wings of Devotion by Roseanna M. White | Book Review
I haven’t made it a secret how I love Roseanna M. White’s stories. So much so I had to wait to read Wings of Devotion until I knew I’d have the time. Because once I start one of her books, it’s so hard to put down. I absolutely loved The Number of Love (review here), which is the story preceding On Wings of Devotion.
Her story telling, her research, her character building. How she does it, I’m not sure. But I can’t wait for book 3 in the Codebreakers series!
All right, enough blubbering on.
From the Back Cover
Against Every Warning, She’s Drawn
Ever Closer to the Man Known as “Black Heart”
All of England thinks Major Phillip Camden a monster—a man who deliberately caused the deaths of his squadron. But he would have preferred to die that day with his men rather than be recruited to the Admiralty’s codebreaking division. The threats he receives daily are no great surprise and, in his opinion, well deserved.
As nurse Arabelle Denler observes the so-dubbed “Black Heart,” she sees something far different: a hurting man desperate for mercy. And when their families and paths twist together unexpectedly, she realizes she has a role to play in his healing—and some of her own to do as well.
With Camden’s court-martial looming, an old acquaintance shows up, intent on using him in a plot that sends the codebreakers of Room 40 into a frenzy. With their fragile hopes for the future in the cross hairs, Arabelle and Camden must hold on to hope—and to each other–if they want to survive.
Based in London, England in 1918, this book was gripping from the first page. So much action, mystery—and, yes—a heart-warming love story.
But, the mercy! Arabelle truly had it in spades. I don’t think there was anyone she couldn’t extend mercy and compassion to. It was convicting, really. Seeing the world through her eyes.
One thing that was a bit hard to get around… *spoiler alert*… was that she fell for Camden before he got right with God. But at the same time, the story was very relatable. It just might have been nice to hear her feel at least a bit of angst over the whole ‘unequally yoked’ thing. It may have been there. Maybe I missed it.
The real reason his squadron died in the war was devastating. I won’t tell you the details—I think one major spoiler is enough for this review—but it really wrenched my heart. The impact one choice had on so many men—yes, even in this fictional story—was heart breaking. And even though Camden was more than willing to take the fall, and cover up the truth for the sake of the families, God had mercy on him. And sent him someone who really believed what she saw in him rather than what she read in the papers. Someone who really believed in mercy. And someone who needed to be seen for more than face value herself.

This story was very moving, very well written (I would expect no less form Roseanna!) and you better believe I will be ready and waiting for book 3. I can’t wait to see what else happens amongst these World War 1 codebreakers of room 40.
It’s 4.5 out of 5 from me! You can pick up your, copy at amazon.ca or amazon.com. But start with the Number of Love. Or, even better, The Shadows Over England series, which comes before the Codebreaker series.
About the Author
Roseanna M. White pens her novels beneath her Betsy Ross flag, with her Jane Austen action figure watching over her. When not writing fiction, she’s homeschooling her two children, editing and designing, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of 16 novels, ranging from biblical fiction to American-set romances to her new British series. Roseanna lives with her family in West Virginia. Learn more at www.roseannamwhite.com.