He’s So Faithful
Thursday Thankful Moments
A Devotional Series
Week 4
Hello October!
Here in Canada, the leaves are beginning to change, the temperature is changing . . . sweaters and toques are starting to make appearances.
But I’m thankful that even as life and seasons change, God doesn’t. He remains the same.
O Lord, your instructions endure;
they stand secure in heaven.
You demonstrate your faithfulness to all generations.
You established the earth and it stood firm.
Psalm 119:89,90 NET
It’s in Him that we find our security. In an unpredictable world, He stands firm and will not be shaken.
Raise your hand if you need more strength in your season (I’m raising both hands). If you raised your hand, then I have great news for you:

Read that scripture again. Paul, the writer of 2 Corinthians, declared, “I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses. So that the power of Christ may reside in me.”
This has me looking at my to do list. I’m asking Him what things on it are actually His plan and what are mine. I’m asking Him about the timeline of some of those things.

Not things like vacuuming and laundry. Those things have to happen today (okay, vacuuming I might push off to tomorrow), but there are things that I have to ask for His wisdom and direction about. That’s when He can bless those things and give strength to them. And yes, He can—and wants—to strengthen me as I go about my domestic tasks.
We are human beings, we are not perfect, we don’t have all the answers. But He does, and He is waiting for us to say, “God, be strong in my weakness.”
He wants to show us His faithfulness.
The key is to stay close to Him, to stay in His shadow, in His presence. To live in His shelter.

There’s so much we need to hold onto from Psalm 91 in this season we’re in. Pandemic and all.
But I think it’s time to change how we’re talking.
Things happened this month that were tough. I found myself saying, “Well, of course. It’s 2020 and all.”
And then it hit me. What am I saying? What am I thinking? That’s not speaking life and blessing.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love its use will eat its fruit
Proverbs 18:21 NET
I serve a faithful God. So I’m working on aligning my words with that truth.
I hope you’ll join me in this moment of worship. This SONG!!! Friends, this song has brought me to tears, because God is so faithful. His promises are amazing and He wants to show Himself strong to us.
A Moment of Worship
Further Reading
Psalm 91; Psalm 119

One Comment
Lilly Hubert
This is truly a now word, Amy! Thank you for this thankfulness devotional ~ we trust in His great faithfulness! Loved this!! Mom