Intentional & Thankful
I’ve been quiet on my blog, but not because there’s nothing happening.
We’ve had a stay home order since Boxing Day (for you non-Canadians, that’s December 26th). We still have a stay home order now, but the kids went back to school this week. That’s hard to get the head around, I know. I thought I’d be thrilled to have the kids go back . . . until they showed some apprehension. Thankfully, after their first day back, those apprehensions melted away. Even with masks (even during their outdoor recesses), they are happy to be with their friends.
Hubby is working from home these days . . . and our second computer (the older one) QUIT. So it feels like the first lockdown again, except without juggling virtually learning now that the kids are back to in person.
Yes, once again, my computer time has to be really intentional. I’m continuing to revise book 2 (I’m on chapter 12), while computer-sharing with my hubby. And he’s a good sharer 😉 .
But you know, I am thankful. Thankful my soldier is home. Thankful our local numbers for covid are at 16. Thankful my kids are mostly peaceful and enjoying getting out of the house.
And since I need to make the most of my writing window, I’ll sign off on this post now. Chapter twelve is calling my name.