Just a Little JOY | A Devotional
A Short and Sweet Devotional – inspired by the time I had to call the locksmith (again).
Locked Out
This morning, after walking my kids to school, I got locked out of my house.
The second time in a matter of months.
The problem?
Not the key.
The issue was our ‘smart key’ lock. I’m going to now call it the ‘confused key’ lock.
I ran down the street to a neighbor, used his phone to call my husband. So thankful my soldier is in town at the moment! But he didn’t answer.
Yes, that’s right. My phone was inside my very locked house.
I found a long time friend—warned her my teeth hadn’t seen a toothbrush yet—who drove me to the Church where I could hang out. I mean, it’s cold outside, friends. -5 Celsius. This Canadian winter hit Eastern Ontario a bit early.
Thankfully, I had my Sorels and the Lord must have whispered in my ear to grab my long johns, because I was fully prepared. Mitts, toque, coat.

But I still wasn’t keen on spending the morning outside in the snow. You know?
Finally got a hold of the husband, who got a hold of the same locksmith we used the last time.
All the while I’m thinking of everything I’m not getting done. All my revision goals. The people I’m supposed to contact about carolling. And other things I’m focused on this week—including the dishes I needed to do, and the bathroom I needed to use.
The coffee I needed to drink. The whole toothbrush thing…
And the devotions I needed to have.
The locksmith didn’t have to drill the lock off this time. Which was a huge time (and money) saver. Husband went back to work, I did the dishes, made breakfast… and brushed my teeth.
Trials Produce Endurance
A little later than I’d like, I sat down to have my devotions before opening my WIP (work in progress). I grinned as I read from James chapter one. God has a sense of humor.

The chapter goes on to say:
Happy is the one who endures testing, because when he has proven to be genuine, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him.
James 1:12 NET
Writing a blog post wasn’t on my list of things to do. It’s now 11:30 am and I have yet to start revising. But I had to share this today for someone out there. Someone who needs to be reminded that our trials (even minor ones like this one)—the testing of our faith—produces endurance.
I was in Guatemala years ago with my friend, Natalie. We were doing ground work for a children’s home our church founded. We got stranded for days… James chapter 1 happened to come up when we were having devotions then, too.
Choosing Joy
I don’t know who needs the reminder—maybe we all do. I think of the Israelites who kept wondering around in the wilderness complaining. Being thankful in stretching times isn’t easy. Choosing joy when we are being tested is pretty much the last thing we feel like doing. But I believe the test is much shorter when we choose joy in the midst of it. When we choose to trust the Lord.
God has been talking to me about my time. I’m not where I had hope to be with my first story… I had planned to start querying agents a long time ago. But my time is in His hands. But only if I really give it to Him. I’m trying to be okay with obstacles as they arise, and to truly ask the Lord how my time is to be spent. Daily. Saying, “God, this is what I had planned for today—but what needs to go? What’s Your plan for this day.”
Truthfully, I think I needed to get locked out of my house today to put some things into perspective.
And now I will be adding ‘getting a new dead bolt and calling lock company’ to my ever increasing to do list. Our locksmith said to get on that right away.
Yup… we have a locksmith. Let me know if you need his number.

Lilly Hubert
It really does put things into perspective!
Thanks Amy! … so important to keep your peace and find joy in the midst of the stretching times! I’m sorry you got locked out, thankful it got worked out as quick as it did! Love that verse!
Rachel Davis
Amy! I found your devo while looking for a devo to lead chapel inside jail tomorrow! Loved your story! Miss seeing you and hope you and your family are well! God bless!
Amy Renaud
Hi Rachel! So great to hear from you and its wonderful that you’re doing ministry in the prisons! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for stopping by my website! Blessings to you and your family <3